Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to Vidya Sarthi Institute of Digital Marketing! We are committed to providing high-quality educational experiences and ensuring your satisfaction. This Refund Policy outlines the conditions under which refunds are issued for our courses and services.

2. Course Enrollment and Payment

Upon enrolling in any course or program, you will receive access to the course materials and resources. Payment for courses can be made via [accepted payment methods]. All fees are non-transferable and non-refundable unless otherwise specified in this policy.

3. Refund Eligibility

You may be eligible for a refund under the following conditions:

3.1. Cancellation within the Refund Period
– Online Courses: If you cancel your enrollment within 7 days of purchase and before accessing any course materials, you will receive a full refund.
– Live Workshops/Seminars: Cancellations made at least 14 days before the event start date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made within 7 days of the event start date are not eligible for a refund.

3.2. Course Not as Described
If you believe that the course does not meet the description provided or does not meet your expectations due to inaccuracies in the course content, you may request a refund within 7 days of accessing the course materials. Evidence of discrepancies must be provided.

3.3. Technical Issues
If you experience significant technical issues that prevent you from accessing the course materials, please contact our support team within [7] days of the issue arising. We will attempt to resolve the issue promptly. If we are unable to resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you may be eligible for a refund.

4. Non-Refundable Situations

Refunds will not be issued in the following situations:
– If you have accessed more than 20% of the course materials or completed 20% of the course.
– If the refund request is made after the 7-day period for online courses or within 7 days of the event start date for live workshops/seminars.
– If you have already received a refund for the same course or service.

5. Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:
1. Send an email to with the subject line “Refund Request.”
2. Include your full name, contact information, order number, and reason for the refund request.
3. Provide any relevant evidence or documentation if applicable.

Refund requests will be reviewed within 5 business days. If approved, refunds will be processed using the original payment method and may take 7-10 business days to reflect in your account.

6. Changes to the Refund Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated via our website or by email. The updated policy will apply to all purchases made after the date of the change.

7. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about this Refund Policy, please contact us at:
– Email:
– Phone: 8447217459
– Address: 14/3, NH-19, Sector 31, Faridabad, Haryana 121003

Thank you for choosing Vidya Sarthi Institute of Digital Marketing. We look forward to supporting your learning journey.

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